Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

I have woken up from my slumber... well, not necessarily slumber, but real-life being hectic as usual.... because our friend CCHyper has delivered a major set of resources for the C&C community. It is one of the best news in decades that I have seen coming up from EA itself! It happened last Thursday, but I have taken some time to check it out and believe it for real. Too good to be true!

So, as a summary:

- EA has released the source code of Renegade and Zero Hour.
- EA has updated the source code of Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1.
- Renegade, Generals, Zero Hour, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3, RA3: Uprising and Tiberian Twilight received Steam Workshop support
- C&C Modding Support pack with XML, shaders, and original maps from all games mentioned in the previous paragraph (as long as they actually feature it).
- The Steam version of the games mentioned above received updates to reflect these changes.

Before quoting Hyper's message to the C&C community, I have a few comments about what just happened.

First of all, I am very happy about the source code from Renegade and even happier with Zero Hour's source code. It is a great opportunity to help the community build good 3D RTS games and customize the good gameplay experience that Zero Hour provides. I never expected EA would give these things away and I think it is great for the community as a whole.

Regarding the Steam Workshop, I am no fan of it at all. I do understand that it is easier for users to install mods using that.... as long as it is one single mod at a time. If you have different kinds of customizations for a game, it might not be friendly at all. I also don't like their interface to find content and Steam sabotages third-party who try to organize their content. So, keeping in touch with the updates on the content there is very troublesome, in my humble opinion.

The modding support pack is a great initiative and will help modders, especially with the XML and shaders.

And here's Hyper's post:

CCHyper wrote:
Hello C&C Community!

For those of you awesome C&C fans who I have not crossed paths with before, my name is Luke Feenan, aka. “CCHyper”. I’m a 20+ year veteran of the C&C Community, a long-time modder, and an Admin of CnCNet. I was also very fortunate to have been involved in the development of the C&C Remastered Collection under the mentorship of Jim Vessella.

Over the past year, I have been working alongside the amazing C&C stakeholders here at EA to restore the Perforce source code archives for the C&C games back to buildable states, which now provides us with the ability to patch these classic games in a deeper way going forward. As a long-time modder, it was amazing to finally get a chance to dive deep into the source code for these games and see how they work!

Today, I have been given the pleasure to share two major announcements for the C&C Franchise with you all!

# 1 Empowering the future of the community

For those of you in the community who know me, you will be familiar with my strong advocacy for video game preservation and my support for the video game open-source community.

It's almost 5 years ago now that EA released the source code for the C&C Remastered Collection DLL files. This release received praise across the video games industry and has enabled the community to create amazing content for the Remastered Collection. In reaction to the restoration process of the C&C archives, I wanted to take this one step further…

So, I’m proud to announce that we are releasing the fully recovered source code for Command & Conquer (aka, Tiberian Dawn) and C&C Red Alert under the GPL license! I know this will empower those in the community who continue to create content for these classic entries in the franchise, and I hope it will aid communities like CnCNet to continue to support these games and keep them playable for future generations. But let's not stop there!

The community over at W3DHub has been doing amazing things with the C&C Renegade engine for almost 20 years now, and their projects have been pushing the absolute limits of the game. To support them in taking the game and their awesome projects to the next level, we are also releasing the complete source code for C&C Renegade under the GPL license. All of us here are really excited to see what’s next in store for the community over at W3DHub and what they will be able to do with this release!

And finally, in appreciation of the C&C Generals community who have kept the game alive with their consistent energy and passion, hosting multiplayer tournaments, and producing amazing content, I’m extremely happy to share that we are releasing the full source code under GPL for C&C Generals and its expansion pack, Zero Hour! I know the Generals/ZH community is going to do amazing things with this source code release, and I’m excited to see what the team over at C&C Online does next with the multiplayer experience for these games.

You can find the source code on the Electronic Arts GitHub page;

- https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Tiberian_Dawn
- https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Red_Alert
- https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Renegade
- https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Generals_Zero_Hour

# 2 Steam Workshop Support

But now, onto our second announcement.

We are enabling Steam Workshop support for more C&C titles to allow users to upload their custom maps! We know this has been an ask from the community for a very long time so we are pleased to finally give all you map creators an official and permanent home on the Steam Workshop for your content. Now Steam Workshop support has gone live for:

- C&C Renegade
- C&C Generals & Zero Hour
- C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane’s Wrath
- C&C Red Alert 3 & Uprising
- C&C 4 Tiberian Twilight

We have also updated all the Mission Editor and World Builder tools so you can publish maps directly to the Steam Workshop. When you subscribe to an item on the Steam Workshop (via the Client or webpage), the games will now pull that content down when you next launch the game and the maps will be displayed in the singleplayer/multiplayer map selection menus. We're all looking forward to seeing the fun and crazy maps you upload!

And to top this off, to support the Steam Workshop, we are releasing a “C&C Modding Support” pack, which contains the source XML, Schema, Script, Shader, and Map files for all the games that use the SAGE engine. This has been another wish from the community for almost 15 years now so we’re excited to finally make this happen, and we hope this helps you all in continuing to make amazing content and mods for the years to come.

You can find this support pack on the Electronic Arts GitHub page;


I would like to take a moment to thank all the Community Playtesters who have supported us throughout this journey with their invaluable feedback and encouragement, also, a big thank you to everyone who has reported bugs and issues for the C&C games on Reddit and Steam. And of course to the whole C&C community for supporting these games for over 25+ years!

I would also like to thank the many people at EA working at various studios and departments across the globe who have helped make this happen (there are just too many to name!). Their support for this project and the C&C franchise was really motivating during the final push to launch. I also want to thank the amazing team at EA Partners for providing me with the freedom to execute this project and the resources to help make it happen. Additionally, a shoutout to all of those who have supported me throughout this journey who are not at EA or associated with the C&C franchise. You're awesome, and you know who you all are! Lastly, I would like to take a personal moment to thank my two biggest supporters here at EA and throughout this journey. Technical Director Brian Barnes, who gave me the respect and autonomy to develop this project in the technical direction I felt was best for the core community. And Jim Vessella, for pulling all the pieces in place, and continuing to share his experience, knowledge, and insight with me. (And, of course, continuing to champion the C&C franchise here at EA!). Thank you to both of you for always looking out for me.

Luke “CCHyper” Feenan

Finally, it is worth mentioning that user-created content with C&C material should follow the guidelines here.

And another tip of Jimtern in the Reddit post is this video below:

C&C World-Altering Editor v1.4.0 is out!
January 19, 2025 - 03:43
Greetings, Comrade General! A new version of C&C World-Altering Editor, known as C&C World-Altering Editor v1.4.0, has been released recently by ^Rampastein. For your information, C&C World-Altering Editor is a map editor for the Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Red Alert 2, and its expansions. It originally started as a map editor for Dawn of the Tiberium Age. Here is what we know about C&C World-Altering Editor v1.4.0:

New version with support for alpha lights and options for megamap image generation, making WAE able to render directly usable megamaps and map previews for both TS and RA2.

  • Added support for rendering alpha images attached to buildings and terrain objects
  • Added options for customizing map preview or megamap generation. It is now possible to crop the preview or megamap to the map's visible area, to emphasize resource-containing cells, and to mark player starting locations. These behaviors mimic the behavior of the C&C Map Renderer tool.
  • It is now possible to hide tunnel tubes
  • Fixed issues where raised terrain could hide extra graphics of cells placed below them

    • Known issue: Cliffs are now worse at hiding objects like trees and buildings than before. However, some testing revealed that the original game is equally bad about this, so you should avoid placing objects behind cliffs even if WAE displayed them properly.

  • Fixed a bug where goodie crate overlays were offset incorrectly
  • Fixed an edge case where script actions were loaded differently from the game in case some script actions had been manually commented out
  • Fixed an edge case where task force members were loaded differently from the game in case some members had been manually commented out
  • (TS Client) Fixed a bug where text trigger lines were not loaded

If you are curious about C&C World-Altering Editor, visit the Topic at PPM Forums, Official Website, and Discord Channel at C&C Mod Haven to obtain further information about it. Download C&C World-Altering Editor v1.4.0. And that's all regarding C&C World-Altering Editor for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about C&C World-Altering Editor!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! At Project Perfect Mod, we wish a happy 2025 for all of you! We wish a healthy, peaceful, and resourceful year for every visitor. This last year was a tough one for this site due to server problems, and at the end of the year, I had some sort of burnout: I had to slow down, which is why I am posting this news a bit later than usual. But I am feeling better now with my energies renewed. I have a lot of work in progress in my backlog and I hope to end, at least something of them during this year.: OS BIG Editor code revamp (to support different package files in one and .mix file support), Voxel Section Editor III improvements (your recent request was not ignored G-E), several forum features (especially post reactions), some generative AI projects, among other things and.... my PhD project which I did not finish doing.

2024 for the PPM Community:

In the past year of 2024, I have worked much more to keep the existing things working other than finishing features. I particularly do not remember any forum feature that emerged this year, even behind the scenes. However, there was extensive work to fix the disaster caused by some changes in the PHP settings of the server. Even PPM SVN has gone offline at some point because of it.

Voxel Section Editor III has received 64-bit support and several user experience improvements, while OS .BIG Editor now supports .ZIP files and covers most if not all games from Petroglyph Games.

Future Plans for PPM Community:

This part of the news post will be repetitive toward the previous years because our plans did not change much. We still understand that the PPM community relies on user-created content to keep it fresh, alive, and kicking. The massive news creation allows me to contribute, but this is not enough. We need your posts, created assets, mods, feedback, doubts, etc. So, it is time to update our plans for the PPM Community for the next year and beyond with minor changes. Note that these items do not follow any priority order.


-> Improve the internal news creation tool to quickly allow the creation of other types of news posts: It would be fun if we had a weekly resume of the attractive SHP, Voxel, 3D, maps, etc. that were submitted in the forums. Also, we need to figure out means to facilitate the conversion of certain external news posts and to import news from Discord, which is quite complicated, to say the least.

-> Create more content for Project Perfect Game: PPG's content needs to cover the game engines that its news posts are covering. Right now, we only have a subset of the content of PPM on it, but the idea is that it will eventually grow into its own thing. We already have the infrastructure to do that. It also needs its own art, buttons, and a few things that will give its own identity.

-> Create Generative AI technologies: Use generative AI to create assets and allow users to generate assets with the restrictions of the games we cover in mind. We should add this kind of tool to Voxel Section Editor III, OS SHP Builder, and other tools.

-> Context-based post content: We plan to add a BB code to allow parts of a forum post to be visible only on forums or only on PPM, PPG, RA2 PPM, TS PPM, or C&C PPM.... or a mix of them. With the creation of the PPM subsites and PPG, we are in dire need of this feature. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do that without compromising our RSS feeds.


-> Re-plan the use of the forum keywords by the users: Right now, when you create a post, you have the option to write some keywords for it. They will only show up if a moderator/admin approves it. But this is definitely a terrible way to use it because keywords will only be useful if they follow some standards. And this is a task for those who organize the forums. So, our idea is to have a fixed set of keywords in each forum that should be allowed to be used, which should affect its organization. I.e., If you want to report a bug from a project, you could highlight the "#Bug" keyword in your topic. If a moderator of the forum eventually fixes your reported bug, it could add a #Fixed to your topic or any other keyword that fits. Then, you could view all topics with #Bug in the forum if you hit the highlighted word at the top of the forum view. Things like that could also be helpful in reducing the number of forums here. Let's say you have a mod. Instead of having a forum for each faction, you could replace it with the use of keywords #GDI, #Nod, #Forgotten, etc. The possibilities are countless.

-> Modernize the forums' user interface: We want to make it become more friendly to browse it with mobile devices. Also, we want to allow posting, editing, and other common tasks to be faster and as comfortable as a chat in Discord. We also plan to bring friendly URLs, HTML5 support, etc...

-> Add reactions to forum posts like what you have in the most modern chat programs.

-> Add multiple participants for Private Messages, transform it into a conversation, and Report this Post to a Moderator: Right now, you can only PM a single person, and this is quite unattractive when you have Discord, Whatsapp and so many other better messaging options. A Report this Post to a Moderator feature requires PMs to multiple participants. Otherwise, the best thing we can do is Report this Post to Banshee. We also need a better mechanism to warn when a PM receives a response.

-> Allow users to create communities in PPM forums that are detached from PPM's forum organization: We want to eventually allow any forum user to create forums without my interference. However, these forums would not show up on the ppmforums.com index, although they would still be publicly accessible if desired by the owner of the community. So, if you have a project, instead of requesting hosting here, you would simply create a forum for it. If it is good enough, we will promote it in our index. Otherwise, it would be ok. Of course it is something that our current infrastructure is not ready to run, and when it becomes available, it would also require a lot of attention in terms of content, security issues, and bugs. This is a long-term plan.

PPM and Subsites:

-> Modernize the sites and subsites: While most of our plans for site and subsites modernization have been implemented, there is one thing left: The ability to show news as we scroll and have each news with a friendly URL that the search engines can crawl.

Modding Tools:

-> Progress with my doctorate project to transform low poly pixel art into highly detailed images: The scope of my Ds.C. thesis is broader than that, but a super-sampling application of it would help us to convert our SHP files into something that could be used in other games and projects.

-> Add Python support: Make sure the existing community tools support Python to extend their functionalities with AI and plugins.

-> Add plugin support: Make sure the existing community tools support external command line tools to extend their functionalities.

-> Progress with VXLSE III's 3D model export feature: This is important if we plan to become a community that modifies or develops 3D games. We have many voxel assets that would be very useful in newer games if we are able to convert them. Don't expect this to be finished at any time soon since I have a doctorate to finish first, and my thesis will be used on this solution (being a small but significant part of it). VXLSE III could also receive a different interface to allow the user to model voxel models in a similar fashion that is done with CAD modelers.

-> Allow OS .BIG Editor to load multiples types of packages in one, receive third-party plugin support, CLI support, API support, etc.

And that's all for now. I hope you have a great 2025 and my PHP let us progress this time!

Catching up: C&C Reloaded 2.6.6!
January 02, 2025 - 13:28
Aloha! In the middle of the last month, FS-21, leader of C&C Reloaded, has released C&C Reloaded 2.6.6. For those unfamiliar with it, C&C Reloaded is a classic modification that brings together the Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 factions into Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge with Ares and Phobos. Here are the updates from C&C Reloaded 2.6.6:

Version 2.6.6 released: 2024/12/14

  • Delayed the AI unit production in the major number of GDI & Nod TS missions.
  • Nod Force shields should not appear in Tiberian Sun campaigns.
  • Veinhole strength from 6000 to 3000 (in the Tiberian Sun, it was 1000).
  • Fixed: The "Map Reveal" game option only worked in the first map slot.
  • Fixed: Now, all GDI & Nod AI houses in TS missions will be able to repair bridges.
  • Fixed: In Yuri Resurgence mission 6, the Yuri Statues should be deactivated when the Command Center is destroyed.
  • In the major part of the Tiberian Sun campaigns, the AI unit production has been delayed by 2-4 minutes (depending on the case).
  • In GDI mission 3, "Capture the train station", Titans should be able to hit 2 Nod power plants from a cliff.
  • Fixed: Nod AI was able to build Stealth Tanks GDI mission 3: "Secure the crash site".
  • Fixed savegame name used for saving the GDI mission 4, "Defend the crash site".
  • Fixed in GDI mission 4, "Defend the crash site": the 3 initial dropships have uncontrollable soldiers.
  • Nod AI in GDI mission 5 "Rescue Tratos" never produced units when Tratos was rescued.
  • Fixed bug in GDI mission 5, "Destroy Radar Array", that allowed the spawn of random units using a crate.
  • Fixed the spawn of crates that heal all units in GDI mission 6, "Destroy Vega's Dam", when the Trucks were destroyed.
  • Fixed: Chameleon spy shouldn't be available in GDI mission 7, "Recapture Hammerfest Base".
  • Fixed some water tiles around the main bridge in Nod mission 10, "Destroy the Mammoth MkII Prototype".
  • Fixed bug in Nod mission 11, "Capture Jake McNeil", that prevented, in some cases, the subterranean transport from emerging. Moreover, now only Jake McNeil can enter the subterranean transport to prevent a player's mistake.
  • Now, in the Nod mission 12, "Illegal Data Transfer", only the Chameleon Spy can enter the subterranean transport to prevent a player's mistake.
  • Fixed lots of AI bugs in Nod mission "Sheep's Clothing".
  • Fixed: Sometimes, the aircraft build list was bugged, thanks to the Carryall. Now, instead of building it, you deploy the aircraft from the sky into the battlefield like a super weapon. The cost and build time have been increased a bit.

If you are curious about C&C Reloaded, visit the Official Website, Forums at Revora, ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel to obtain further information about it. C&C Reloaded is downloadable at This Address. And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy C&C Reloaded!

Hello, Comrade Generals! Yesterday I have posted a news about The End of Days 0.98.6 Patch 4, right? Guess what? Reinforcements have arrived from The End of Days as The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 5 has been recently posted by their staff. For your information, The End of Days is a mod for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. It adds Russia and the European Defense Alliance as new playable factions and improves the original three with new units, structures, and special powers! It strives to bring an authentic real-war feeling, with a few fictional additions for more fun and diverse gameplay & tactics! It also replaces Heroes with elite infantry, and Superweapons are mostly presented as mobile ICBM Launchers like Russia's Topol-M or China's DF-41. It also innovates with purchasable subfactions at your tech center instead of the original choice of "Generals" before battle, which allows you to change your strategy mid-game to counter your opponents! Each of the 4 factions has 3 completely different subfactions to choose from. Here are the updates from The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 5:

- Fixed THAAD not firing.
- Improved Heavy Sam continuing firing after being destroyed - it needs more testing.
- Improved Helicopter dead logic. Thanks to that, Heavy Sam will immediately reengage new targets after the first missile hits the target, unlike before hit by multiple missiles while falling down.
- Fixed TOR-M1 AA system auto-targeting idle
- USA Spy Drone GP is now controllable, but flying speed is reduced by 15%

For further information about The End of Days, visit the ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel. You can grab the latest version of The End of Days by clicking Here. And that's all regarding The End of Days for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about The End of Days!

Tiberian Sun Client 7.0 is out!
January 01, 2025 - 06:46
Are you picking this up? Good! There is a new version of Tiberian Sun Client released under the name Tiberian Sun Client 7.0. For those unfamiliar with it, Tiberian Sun Client is a complete, stand-alone Tiberian Sun package for both players and modders. It fixes all known (fixable) bugs in Tiberian Sun and offers a ton of new functionality, including a new, easier-to-mod file structure, new game options, and pre-defined starting locations and teams. With the Client's bug fixes and enhancements, Tiberian Sun players get a significantly enhanced experience compared to the original game while enjoying gameplay that is exactly identical to the original game. For modders starting a new Tiberian Sun mod, it is not required but highly recommended that you begin with installing the TS Client. The new file structure directly exposes the most critical INI and MIX files of the game, meaning that you don't need to download any special tools for most basic modding. Here is what we know about Tiberian Sun Client 7.0:

Version 7.00
Released: Dec 23, 2024

  • Added: Quick Match (Credits: xme).
  • Added: Support for 702 waypoints in FinalSun dropdown menus (Credits: E1 Elite).
  • Added: Veteran Balance Patch v2.50 is now included as a game option in skirmish and multiplayer.
  • Added: World-Altering Editor has been added as the default map editor (Credits: Rampastring, ZivDero, MortonPL, Shush, Starkku, Crimsonum, Bittah Commander).
  • Added: A Russian language option for the client (Credits: mah_boi).
  • Added: A German language option for the client (Credits: MarkJFox).
  • Changed: Updated XNA CnCNet Client to version with integrated second-stage updater (Credits: Kerbiter, SadPencil, Rans4ckeR, Starkku, mah_boi, devo1929, Rampastring, frg2089, Crimsonum, neogrant). Changes include:

    • Added: Full localization support.
    • Added: Option to add maps into favorites.
    • Added: "Stretch Videos" and "Integer Scaled Client" checkboxes on the client's Options menu's Display tab.
    • Added: Ultra-wide monitor support.
    • Added: Improved cross-platform support. The client now includes an experimental .NET 8.0?variant for Linux/macOS users.
    • Changed: Reworded privacy notice.
    • Changed: Discord handler is now disposed on client exit.
    • Changed: Updated client updater.
    • Changed: The client now requires .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows users.
    • Changed: Accelerated startup speed for users with a poor Internet connection.
    • Changed: Optimized the time cost of copying large files by implementing hard linking.
    • Fixed: The main menu music track still played after the client had closed.
    • Fixed: The volume level showed as 10 even though it was set to 0.
    • Fixed: Numerous crash conditions on CnCNet lobbies or LAN lobbies.
    • Removed: Several obsolete DLL files.
    • Many more bug fixes and minor improvements by various contributors, which are hard to list.

  • Changed: Updated client launcher to version 2.0.8 (Credits: Rampastring, Rans4ckeR, neogrant, SadPencil, Kerbiter, Starkku, Crimsonum). Changes include:

    • Added: Unblock Internet files on startup.
    • Changed: New WPF-based message box with high DPI support and auto resizing.

  • Changed: The fix from version 6.00 to prevent units from getting stuck on the beach terrain type has been reverted (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Changed: Updated the CnC-DDRAW renderer from version to 7.0 (Credits: FunkyFr3sh).
  • Changed: Updated the DDrawCompat renderer from version 0.2.1 to 0.5.4 (Credits: narzoul).
  • Changed: The client now displays a different image and message when you start a mission with modified game files.
  • Changed: The FSP version was updated (23-03-2024) to allow FinalSun to load all of its mix files from folders (Credits: E1 Elite).
  • Changed: ECache00.mix and ECache01.mix have been renamed back to Temperat.mix and Snow.mix.
  • Changed: The buttons from the "Extra" menu have been moved to the bottom of the main menu and were scaled down (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Changed: All SHPs from IsoTemp.mix/IsoSnow.mix have been moved to Temperat.mix/Snow.mix, and DemandLoad, DemandLoadBuildup, and FreeBuildup have been removed from everything in Art.ini (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Changed: Ammo01.shp, wake1.shp, and wake2.shp have been moved from Tem.mix/Sno.mix to Temperat.mix/Snow.mix (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Changed: The traffic on the "FS Cityscape" has been improved (Credits: Bittah Commander):

    • Changed: Two RVs and a Truck now continuously respawn after driving out of the map at the end?of their route.
    • Fixed: Two buses and a car drove over the dirt at the start.
    • Fixed: One of the trains got stuck at the edge of the map after a single loop.

  • Fixed: Some minor misc. oversights like incorrect firing offsets, incorrect voice responses, etc. (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Incorrect Start, LoopStart, and LoopEnd values on building animations in art.ini (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Unsupported apostrophe characters in mission briefings have been replaced (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Incorrect or missing TechLevel, Owner and/or Crewed values on deployed vehicles in order to improve Survivor mechanics (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Various debris animations specified a non-existent explosion (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Made some changes to the client INIs and folder structure to remove dependency from the default theme (Credits: Mah Boi).
  • Fixed: Replaced all slashes in client INIs from \ to / for cross-platform support (Credits: Mah Boi).
  • Fixed: Adjusted the position of the client's privacy policy notification "Got it" button (Credits: Mah Boi).
  • Fixed: Ten special characters (most notably the apostrophe) had an excessive gap in front of them in mission briefings (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Fixed: Visceroids were disabled in the first Tutorial mission because they were allied to both GDI and Nod (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Fixed: The BIGBLUE animation is no longer remapable (it now looks the same as BIGBLUE3) and it no longer changes its colors or brightness after you load a saved game.
  • Fixed: The announcement voice didn't switch from CABAL to EVA in Nod Firestorm missions 07-09 because SpeechSide wasn't working (Credits: Rampastring).
  • Fixed: Docked aircraft failed to follow scripted actions (Credits: Rampastring).
  • Fixed: A few global medium AI triggers had incorrect teams and/or conditions (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Incorrect tech level on various Firestorm global AI triggers (Credits: Crimsonum).
  • Fixed: Trees would appear as their shadow frame in blue colors whenever they happened to end up with exactly 1 HP remaining of their health (Credits: E1 Elite).
  • Fixed: The "FS Cityscape" multiplayer map had Tiberium on an impassable cell that could cause harvesters to get stuck when harvested (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Fixed: TS GDI Campaign missions (Credits: Bittah Commander):

    • GDI 2: Secure the Region:

      • Visceroids and Nod are no longer allied to one another.
      • GDI is no longer allied to Visceroids (you could only attack them by force-firing, but they?still attacked you normally).

    • GDI 3A: Locate and Secure Crash Site:

      • Visceroids and GDI are no longer allied to one another.
      • Nod is no longer allied to Visceroids (Visceroids already weren't allied to Nod).

    • GDI 3B: Capture the Train Station:

      • Nod fired at certain civilians under the shroud when they wandered into firing range.

    • GDI 4: Defend the Crash Site:

      • Infantry that dies on Tiberium no longer turns into visceroids.

    • GDI 5A: Destroy the Radar Array:

      • Visceroids and GDI are no longer allied to one another.
      • Nod no longer attacks civilian buildings.
      • The "These critters don't look too friendly" speech will no longer play after Nod has already?provoked the Tiberian Fiends.

    • GDI 6B: Destroy Vega's Base:

      • Nod is no longer allied to Visceroids.
      • Visceroids are no longer allied to GDI.
      • Certain Nod units attacked Civilian structures under the shroud.

    • GDI 7: Recapture Hammerfest Base:

      • Visceroids are no longer allied to GDI and Nod and vice-versa.
      • Your units no longer automatically fire at the defenses of the captured GDI base.
      • The reinforcements that are dropped off after destroying the SAM-Sites no longer auto-fire?at structures of the captured GDI base.

    • GDI 8: Retrieval of Disrupter Crystals:

      • Nod is no longer allied to Visceroids (Visceroids already weren't allied to Nod).

    • GDI 9A: Rescue the Prisoners:

      • Infantry that dies on Tiberium no longer turns into visceroids.

    • GDI 9B: Destroy Chemical Supply Station:

      • Nod and Mutants are no longer allied to Visceroids (Visceroids already weren't allied to?them).

    • GDI 9C: Mine the Power Grid:

      • The Tiberian Fiends in the intro no longer rapidly alternate between standing and lying?down or gliding over the ground while lying down.

    • GDI 9D: Destroy the Chemical Missile Plant:

      • Added a missing ramp piece.
      • GDI, Mutants, and Nod are no longer allied to Visceroids (Visceroids already weren't allied to?them).

    • GDI 10B: Destroy the Prototype Facility (B):

      • Removed a floating tile that was visible through the shroud.

    • GDI 11: Weather the Storm:

      • The bottom-left edge of the map no longer looks glitched.

  • Fixed: TS Nod Campaign missions (Credits: Bittah Commander):

    • Nod 3A: Destroy Hassan's Temple:

      • Replaced an erroneous flat tile in the middle of a ramp.

    • Nod 4A: Eviction Notice:

      • The top edge of the map looked glitched after the map resized during the victory sequence.
      • The truck in the victory sequence now fully exits the map before the mission ends.

    • Nod 4B: Blackout:

      • Removed a wall piece that was overlapping a component tower.

    • Nod 5: Salvage Operation:

      • Two Nod Light Infantry destroyed a bus blocking the tracks right at the start of the mission instead of waiting until the train approached.
      • The two Nod Light Infantry will no longer keep firing at the tracks if the bus that they're meant to target is somehow already destroyed when they receive the order.

    • Nod 6A: Sheep's Clothing:

      • Visceroids and Nod are no longer allied to one another.
      • Tratos now spawns with green colors and changes to red only after you capture him.
      • The mutants will no longer fire at Tratos when he surrenders.
      • The edge of the shroud surrounding the bottom Light Tower no longer looks blocky at the?start of the mission.

    • Nod 6C: Locate and Capture Umagon (B):

      • It was possible to win the mission by destroying the first train after Umagon was already?unloaded from it.
      • Destroying the last train after Umagon has already boarded it no longer causes you to lose?the mission.

    • Nod 9A: Re-establish Nod Presence:

      • Nod is no longer allied to Visceroids (Visceroids already weren't allied to Nod).

    • Nod 9B: Protect the Waste Convoys:

      • You can no longer select and control the weed eaters once they start moving to exit the?map.
      • An out-of-place cliff corner has been removed.
      • The screen is now positioned on your starting units at the start of the mission instead of in?the shrouded center of the map.

    • Nod 10: Destroy the Mammoth Mk.II Prototype:

      • The mission number was changed from "10A" to just "10" because it's too long for the?default saved game name otherwise, and no "10B" exists anyhow.
      • The Upgrade Centers (referred to as Comm Centers in the briefing) that you need to?infiltrate have been replaced with Radars.
      • During the weapon test sequence, the Mammoth Mk.II could end up indefinitely firing at the?ground, leaving the mission in a permanently locked state.

    • Nod 11: Capture Jake McNeil:

      • You didn't lose the game when Jake McNeil died until you lost all Nod units as well.
      • You now lose the game if Jake McNeil is your only unit left alive.
      • GDI no longer attacks Jake McNeil after you've captured him.

    • Nod 12A: A New Beginning:

      • The ICBM Launchers jumped up by a cell when you deployed them and then disappeared?after you un-deployed them again, causing you to fail the mission.

  • Fixed: FS GDI Campaign missions (Credits: Bittah Commander):

    • GDI 08 [FS]: Factory Recall:

      • Moving a unit onto one of the cells next to the walls surrounding imprisoned civilians now?causes alternating voice lines to play off the civilians calling out for help.

    • GDI 09 [FS]: Core of the Problem:

      • Because this map only has AI triggers for Medium difficulty, they have now been enabled for easy and hard difficulty as well to make the AI more active.
      • A piece of an incorrectly placed cliff was visible through the shroud at the start of the?mission.
      • The timings have been adjusted for the Core Defender activation video and CABAL voice?line so that the Core Defender won't already have un-deployed by the time those start?playing on the "Faster" game speed (60 FPS).

  • Fixed: FS Nod Campaign missions (Credits: Bittah Commander):

    • Nod 03 [FS]: Tratos' Final Act:

      • The edges of the shroud glitched after capturing a GDI caused an area to be revealed.

    • Nod 04 [FS]: Mutant Extermination:

      • Mark the beacon on the radar every time the 2nd objective (return the truck to the?beacon) is repeated.

    • Nod 05 [FS]: Escape from CABAL:

      • A cliff piece didn't properly connect to the water.

    • Nod 06 [FS]: The Needs of the Many!:

      • GDI's aircraft didn't respond to any of the villages being attacked.
      • GDI's radar is no longer disabled, but it now instead has Power=0 so that the player won't?lose power after capturing it.

    • Nod 07 [FS]: Determined Retribution:

      • The first reinforcements that you received after fixing the eastern and western bridges were?swapped and moved across the map to the end of the other bridge.
      • The Firestorm Wall and Laser Fence surrounding the CABAL Core were deactivated because?they didn't have any power.
      • You couldn't hear all of CABAL's taunts at the end of the mission if the game speed was?higher than "Slow" (20 FPS), so the delay between them has been increased to make sure?that they can all be heard at 60 FPS.

    • Nod 08 [FS]: Harvester Hunting:

      • After saving the civilians, the trucks in the village will now blow themselves up and drop a?crate instead of requiring the player to force-fire at them to get the crate.
      • You can no longer hear or see the ORCA Transport take off at the edge of the map before?delivering your reward for saving the civilians.
      • After saving the civilians, the ORCA Transport now directly drops off 3 crates instead of trucks that explode before dropping crates.
      • The condition for playing one of CABAL's taunts has been changed from building a GDI War Factory to a time interval after the ORCA Transport has dropped off the crates (and Engineers).
      • After capturing a tech center gives you access to an MCV, building and deploying it now?gives you access to Nod structures instead of GDI ones.
      • The bus in the lower left corner of the map will no longer reveal shroud for the player if?damage causes it to move at some point.

    • Nod 09 [FS]: Core of the Problem:

      • Because this map only has AI triggers for Medium difficulty, these have now been enabled?for easy and hard difficulty as well to make the AI more active.
      • The Rocket Infantry that you receive as reinforcements at the start now scatter after?spawning, instead of standing on the same sub-cell and overlapping one another.
      • Multiple of CABAL's bases (including all Obelisks of Light on the map and most SAM-Sites) started with insufficient power to function, so 2 Advanced Power Plants were added to?compensate.
      • The timings have been adjusted for the Core Defender activation video and CABAL voice?line so that the Core Defender won't already have un-deployed by the time those start?playing on the "Faster" game speed (60 FPS).

  • Removed: Lin Kuei Ominae's large Kodiak.
  • Removed: The DxWnd, DDWrapper and IE-DDRAW renderers.

If you are curious about Tiberian Sun Client, visit the Topic at PPM Forums, and Discord Channel at C&C Mod Haven to obtain further information about it. You can grab the latest version of Tiberian Sun Client by clicking Here. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Tiberian Sun Client!

CnC-DDraw 7.1 has been released!
January 01, 2025 - 05:56
FunkyFr3sh, the leader of CnC-DDraw, has recently published CnC-DDraw 7.1. For those who are not acquainted with it, CnC-DDraw is a rendering alternative for old games that uses Direct Draw, making them compatible with newer systems and improving their graphics. You can use it on games like Command & Conquer Gold, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2, Warcraft 2, StarCraft, Diablo, Diablo 2, Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Theme Hospital, Populous: The Beginning, Outlaws, Dungeon Keeper, Dark Reign: The Future of War, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Atomic Bomberman, Dune 2000, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Commandos, Red Baron 3D, F-16 Multirole Fighter, F-22 Raptor, Nox, among others. Here are the updates from CnC-DDraw 7.1:


  • Fixed a crash in Carmageddon (See proxy-dlls.zip)
  • Updated all proxy dlls to the latest petool version to avoid AV false positives
  • Added support for DOSBox Staging shaders - https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging/tree/main/contrib/resources/glshaders
  • Fixed low FPS issues in Hearts of Iron 2
  • Fixed issues with the FPS limiter in Wine (linux/macOS/android)
  • Screensaver will no longer show up, and monitor doesn't turn off anymore while playing
  • Fixed crashes on game exit when using the X button in the window on older versions of windows
  • Added a workaround for a bug in some Intel HD 4000 drivers
  • Fixed a crash with the OpenGL renderer when no hardware acceleration was available
  • The game speed limiter does now work for GDI games as well (maxgameticks= and limiter_type=4)
  • A lot of bug fixes and improvements have been added, and this release has been tested with far over 100 games (Thanks to McNelly @ Discord!)

The list of newly supported games is huge (over 100 games), and you can see it HERE.

You can check more information about CnC-DDraw by visiting the Official Website. Download CnC-DDraw 7.1 Here. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on CnC-DDraw!

One vision, one purpose! OpenRA has been recently improved with the release of OpenRA Playtest 20241228. For those who are not acquainted with it, OpenRA is a real-time strategy game engine that recreates the gameplay experience of Command & Conquer games. OpenRA is packaged with three mods: Dune, Tiberian Dawn, and Red Alert 1, which expands and improves the experience of the original games based on the development team's ideals. OpenRA works for Windows, Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD. Here are the official words about OpenRA Playtest 20241228:

Just in time for the New Year, we are releasing Playtest 20241228 with several important fixes and minor features:

Notable changes include:

  • Saboteurs can now cloak while moving
  • added delete area button to the map editor
  • improved Battlefield News dropdown
  • improved formatting of unit descriptions and encyclopedias
  • fixed Dune 2000 not detecting installed music and videos
  • fixed harvesters not always acting correctly with queued orders
  • fixed a bug where the game window could glitch out on Windows 10
  • fixed several crashes
  • and fixed a few other minor bugs

   And, of course, the Tiberian Dawn HD playtest can be downloaded here.

OpenRA Playtest 20241228 is a bug fix of the real monster that was released a month earlier, which was OpenRA Playtest 20241116. That one was built to shake the foundations of OpenRA. Here's their announcement back in November:

Welcome back, Commanders!

After a whole year of development, the OpenRA team proudly presents Playtest 20241116. This latest installment elevates your OpenRA experience with enhanced visuals, new tools, and improved performance across the board.


 OpenRA now supports post-processing effects out of the box!

Introducing the newly revamped Map Editor, which is designed with a modern interface and a cohesive design. We took notice of how players use the editor and reimagined it to better align with your creative needs.

 New Map Editor!

New Map Editor features include:

  • draggable selections
  • draggable actors
  • measurement tools
  • a marker layer
  • a play button
  • and more!

We added an encyclopedia to the Tiberian Dawn mod! This feature was inspired by the community’s desire for an in-game resource to consolidate knowledge about units, structures, and technologies. While fan-made wikis have been invaluable, many have become outdated or inconsistent as the game evolves.

 New EVA Database!

This latest release has significantly improved support for HD art assets. You should notice faster load times and overall performance improvements for the “Tiberian Dawn HD” project. It is packaged as a separate release and can be downloaded here. This preview is multiplayer-compatible with the main 20241116 playtest. The C&C Remastered Collection must be installed through Steam or the EA App, and if using macOS or Linux, the project README provides detailed installation instructions.

Other notable changes include:

  • game assets can now be installed from the Steam release of The Ultimate Collection
  • switched to high-quality Dune 2000 assets and included lots of extra visual polish
  • added two Red Alert missions and improved the quality of many others
  • Red Alert and Dune 2000 balance changes
  • skirmish options no longer reset between matches
  • behind the scenes, we made significant progress towards supporting additional languages in future releases.

As always, the full changelog is available on GitHub if you would like to find out more.

We hope you’ll enjoy this newest installment of OpenRA! Good luck on the battlefield, Commanders!

If you are curious about OpenRA, visit the Official Website, Forums, ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel to obtain further information about it. Grab the latest version of OpenRA by clicking Here. And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy OpenRA!